
Friday, November 24, 2006


so i have decided to enter the world of blogging! do i know what i'm doing? not really, but i'll do it anyway.

i don't know how much i will use my blog, or what i will put into it but i'm sure i'll think of something!

i suppose i could start by saying i now live in Swords, county Dublin, having vacated the beautiful house on Tates ave Belfast; which now has a PS2 with pro evo, i left at the wrong time.

I'm enjoying Swords, its a good change, there is a good beach near by. it can get very lonely down here someties, but that is all part of moving away from pretty much everyone you know. i also at times don't really know what i'm meant to be doing, you see, i took up a job as youth pastor in Swords Baptist which means now i am the youth pastor, but having a title does not mean you know anything about what you're job is, so i'm still finding that out, which is good, but at times frustrating, at other times i just feel lost and other times i think i might actually be doing something useful. i didn't expect it to be easy, i didn't really know what to expect, and i felt completely inadequate for the job, but i'm here now and i feel even more inadequate, which is hopefully a good thing, hopefully it will encourage me to rely on God more and more, and i think it is.

its funny how you normally associate people working in a church as people who have got it all sorted, who know what they are about and know where they are going, but i'm working in a church and i know that i definately do not have it all sorted, and i am a broken person, and i need God to put me together. but i know God wants me in Swords, and if he wants to use me as i am now, in all my brokeness and sin, and if he can use me as i am, well then my God is an awesome God!

1 comment:

NK said...

it's nice to known, thanks :):)it's helping me, sometimes because too many thing (church activity or something like that) make me forget what is God want me to do...